An overview of what you will learn is:

1- INTRODUCTION - A brief introduction to the instructor and how the course is delivered.

2 - EARLY ACAS CONCILIATION - This process is compulsory in most cases, you need to complete it before you can make a claim in the employment Tribunal.

You will learn how to start this process, what it involves, its effect on the time limit to bring your claim and what to do if you settle - the module comes with useful templates and informative documents.

3 - THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE MAKING A CLAIM - This module discusses key practical considerations before making a claim.

4 - MAKING A CLAIM PART 1 (THE PARTICULARS OF CLAIM) - In this module you are walked through how to present your claim in writing, you are given templates to work from and an example of a professionally drafted claim. This module includes tips of how to get the most out of this process.

5 - MAKING A CLAIM PART 2 (THE ET1) - In this module you are shown how to actually submit the claim using the online ET1 Form.

6 - FEES AND REMISSION - This module discusses fees in the employment tribunal fees, how to pay (and how much) and the process to apply for the fees to be waived / reduced, there are also tips on how to use this process to your advantage.